Shop at Grounds & Hounds
At Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co.®, we are committed to using the sale of our fair trade organic, specialty coffees to support the no kill rescue organizations providing safe-havens for pups between homes. Enter our code “petsalivewny15” at checkout and a portion will be donated back to Pets Alive WNY PLUS you’ll get a discount.

Shop at BrewDogs & FeWines
Shop at www.brewdogsandfewines.com and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Pets Alive WNY when you choose us at check out 10% from their regular line and 40% from their rescue line! Support a great local business and also your favorite rescue
Shop on Amazon Smile
Start with http://smile.amazon.com, choose Pets Alive WNY as your designated charity and a proceed of all your purchases gets donated back to us!
Recycled Cans & Bottles

Go to any Bottle & Can Retrieval Centers and donate your return cash to Pets Alive WNY! It is easy and you have many locations to choose from.